Many industrial and commercial places, do you know where is particularly suitable for installing photovoltaic power stations?


Industrial plants, commercial buildings, rural facilities and other resources that were originally idle and sleeping did not show much value in the past, until the appearance of distributed photovoltaic power generation, so that these resources were awakened and used again.

Many people may wonder, what is the value of such resources? Today we will talk about these aspects.

1, industrial plant. Industrial plants are the most widely used, we live and work around the factory can be seen everywhere, but also the most industrial and commercial projects, industrial plant installation of photovoltaic power plants can use idle roofs, revitalize fixed assets, save peak electricity, surplus electricity online to increase corporate income, can also promote energy conservation and emission reduction, produce good social benefits. In addition, the factory has to bear a certain load of energy consumption every month. off grid solar system,The emergence of distributed photovoltaic power generation just meets the needs of enterprises. For enterprises, the installation of photovoltaic power generation on the one hand can reuse idle resources and optimize resource allocation; Photovoltaic power generation can reduce the carbon emissions of enterprises and alleviate the power load of enterprises; Third, economic income generation. Enterprises can obtain international subsidies through photovoltaic power generation, saving electricity is also on the one hand.OEM High Voltage Lithium Battery.

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2, commercial buildings, the scope of commercial buildings is relatively large, such as commercial buildings, office buildings, hotels, conference centers, etc., these places have high load during the day and low night. Buildings are mostly cement roofs, compared with industrial plants, the installation of photovoltaic power generation advantages are more obvious, photovoltaic panels on the roof can play a heat insulation effect, in the summer can reduce the power consumption of air conditioning. But such roofs may have certain requirements for beauty, and more thought is needed in design.ESS Storage Container.

3, agriculture. Photovoltaic agriculture has become a part of the current new agriculture, such as the use of agricultural greenhouses to install photovoltaic power generation, such as the use of idle water to install photovoltaic power stations, with complementary fishing and light, relying on photovoltaic power generation to make traditional agriculture live, large livestock farms can also install photovoltaic power stations, you can install your own electricity, you can also rent out your own roof, So that the original idle resources have a new use of space, there are many similar combinations such as photovoltaic farming, photovoltaic forestry, village-level power stations, household power stations and so on.

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4. Hospitals operate almost 24 hours a day, and electricity consumption is considered a high-energy-consuming enterprise. Such enterprises will have a great demand for clean energy, or free electricity during the day to save electricity.

5.The United States has 5,762 higher education schools, India has 8,410, China has 2,879 universities, and Japan has 1,226 universities, as well as many primary and secondary schools, Energy Storage System Inverter,kindergartens and educational institutions. The school naturally has the advantages of installing photovoltaic power stations:

① The power station is built on the roof of the school, which is equivalent to a large science popularization base;

② The school has a broad roof, good structure, stable electricity consumption;

③ The school has stable operation, clear property rights, and relatively easy financing.

6. Logistics center/Industrial Park/Tower base station. According to statistics, the number of logistics centers, industrial base parks, communication base stations is large, and the distribution range is wide, and it must ensure constant power 24 hours a day. In the absence of access to distributed photovoltaic, once the situation of power failure, the staff need to start diesel generators to ensure temporary power supply, operation and maintenance costs are high, if coupled with distributed photovoltaic power generation system, both from the practical and economic aspects have a very high installation value.

7. Photovoltaic + Tourism + Transportation. Today, in addition to the photovoltaic highway, in fact, on the highway, other Spaces can also be installed photovoltaic power stations, such as sound walls, high-speed service areas, Home Energy Storage Battery,the middle or both sides of the road, tunnels and so on. Moreover, in addition to roads, airports, train stations, subway stations, bus stations also have many cases of photovoltaic applications. There are also "photovoltaic + tourism" development model is very hot, such as farm music, photovoltaic ecological park, photovoltaic town (combined with agriculture or fishing) cases;

Whether it is urban or rural, there are a lot of resources, just like a famous saying that "the world does not lack beauty, but the lack of discovery of beauty", and the discovery of these resources is also such a truth, if there is no photovoltaic power generation, perhaps these resources are still sleeping. And now they are combined with photovoltaic power generation complement each other, so that users can kill multiple birds with one stone, but also to promote the cause of energy conservation and environmental protection.CONTACT US

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