Solar power on-grid versus off-grid: What do these terms really mean?


The difference between grid-connected and off-grid solar is where you store the generated energy:

           1. Off-grid system, also known as independent solar power generation system, is a system that does not rely on the power grid and operates independently, mainly composed of solar panels, storage batteries, charge and discharge controllers, inverters and other components. The electricity emitted by the solar panel flows directly into the battery and is stored, and when it is necessary to supply electrical power, the direct current in the battery flows through the inverter and is converted into 220V alternating current.

           2, grid-connected system, that is, solar power generation, home grid, public grid connected together, solar power directly through the inverter into the national grid needs and electricity requirements voltage, and priority for household use, when the solar power generation exceeds the electricity used by household appliances, excess electricity is transmitted to the public grid; And when the solar power generation can not meet the use of household appliances, it is automatically replenished from the grid.

Every system needs a place to store energy for use on demand, and your panels only generate charge during the day when the sun is out, but you still need a way to turn on the lights at night.

In the grid-connected system, the grid-connected system does not have storage devices such as batteries. The energy you generate is fed into the utility grid. Your panels feed electricity into the grid, which can be distributed to others in your area.

In return, you get credits for the energy you generate, which you can use whenever you want. Think of it as a transaction at a bank: you can withdraw as much money as you deposit. That's why you keep the power on when the sun goes down.

Off-grid systems are different. Without access to the utility grid, you must add a battery pack to your system, which provides dedicated energy storage. Without any power lines, off-grid solar systems must use batteries.

Off-grid and grid-connected applications are also different

           1, the off-grid system is not limited by the region, the use is very wide, as long as there is sunlight can be installed and used, so it is very suitable for remote no-grid areas, islands, fishing boats, outdoor breeding bases, etc., can also be used as an emergency power generation equipment in areas with frequent power outages.

           2, because the grid-connected system can be exempted from the use of battery pools, greatly saving the cost of the system, therefore, if you want to save electricity costs and convenient power supply, choose grid-connected solar power generation system, is the current or future mainstream way.

In summary: grid-connected systems store energy in the grid, while off-grid systems store energy in batteries.

Pros and cons of grid-connected solar systems

If you have power lines, grid-connected solar is the most cost-effective solution. You will reduce your monthly electricity bill and profit from your solar investment. Cons: If your utility grid is unstable, you're still vulnerable.

The pros and cons of off-grid solar systems

Off-grid systems with battery storage provide homeowners with a competitive independent power solution. Don't worry about the utility grid or the sudden power rage caused by bad weather. However, compared with grid-connected systems, the cost of this system is higher, including increased system battery, installation and maintenance costs.

Next, Ranktop Xiaobian to introduce you to the energy storage system There is a new type of solar energy system - energy storage system. The system uses a hybrid inverter (both hybrid inverter and off-grid inverter function) and expandable battery module in one design. The integrated energy storage system provides homeowners with flexible energy solutions. You can feed excess energy into the main grid to save money on bills or store it in batteries for later use, and the home storage is designed to be easy to install at no extra cost.

Battery Energy Storage System

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